Lily Grace Mayer, on the night of June 2nd, SLEPT THROUGH THE NIGHT FOR THE FIRST TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!! She didn't wake up until 6:30 a.m. Now I was a whole other story. Starting at about 1 a.m. I began to wake every hour, thinking she would wake up. I actually even went into her room just to make sure she was breathing and she was.....just sleeping there like a baby. Let's hope this trend continues. Although, I feel like I may have to retrain myself on how to sleep. It's been over 8 months since I actually slept through a whole night. I definitely didn't sleep that last month of pregnancy.
I feel as though I have been slacking on the posts lately. Lily and I have not had a free moment and it shows no sign of stopping. This weekend is the big Mark Reunion at Indiana Beach, which always promises to be a fun/interesting weekend. Today Lily got her pictures taken at JC Penney. They did a wonderful job again. And don't worry Grandma and Grandpa Mayer, the pictures will be ready right before you come to visit in a couple of weeks! :)
We also brought Tim and Katie Healy dinner and got to hang out with new baby Norah. She was born 2 1/2 weeks ago. It's funny to see the picture of the two of them and think that they will be in the same grade in a couple of years.

I have a feeling my next post won't be until next week. I nanny tomorrow and I have about 3 billion things to pack for the reunion. Literally, you have to pack everything right down the the bar of soap at the kitchen sink. Tyler and I are especially excited because we get to share a double bed that has plastic sheet covering it. That always promises a wonderful night of sleep. I will be sure to get some pictures at the reunion. Lily will get to hang out with her two cousins, Nathan and Michael, who were born within a month of Lily.
Congrats! I can't even sleep through the night! haha. Sorry I missed you when you were in town. Next time!
Dear Allison, Tyler, and all gentle readers:
This morning Miss Lily Grace Mayer came to Mass. Lily participated wonderfully--when it was time for the Our Father she raised her hands just like me, and I know she mouthed the words Our Father--I had to look away immediately because Lily's prayer was so beautiful I couldn't concentrate on my own prayers.
Everyone loved having Lily at Mass--she was perfect (from mom and dad's upbringing and of course, she wants to live out her baptismal call).
God bless,
Fr. Steve
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