Grandma and Grandpa Mayer came to visit today!!!! Unfortunately, Auntie Emily could not make it. She's been sick all week. That cut the Mayer's visit a little short...they drove up this morning and left this evening, but Lily could not be happier that they visited. She loved all the funny faces Grandpa made and she loved being held and fed by Grandma.
We went out to dinner and Grandpa came up with "Put a Cheerio on the Forehead." Lily would get so confused where the Cheerio went and make all these hilarious faces. She had a Cheerio on her forehead for over 1/2 hour. There were definitely some people looking at us like we were crazy.

Although this visit is short, we plan on going to Chicago twice in July!! Lily will be excited to hang out with her grandparents again.
1 comment:
Dear Allison, Tyler, and all of Lily's friends:
Well, I thought Lily looked like grandma Mayer in the second photograph, then I thought Lily looked like grandpa Mayer in the third photograph--I'm glad we're not voting anymore on who Lily looks like!
Now to the first photograph--Lily looks like a Hindu princess. I'll need to check the carpet in the church about 1/4th of the way down center aisle left to see if any of Lily's cheerios were left behind today.
Lily was very good during communion time--especially since mom was an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Allison is smart to not be in Lily's line--I can just imagine what would happen if Tyler came to communion at Allison's station!
Blessings to all,
Fr. Steve
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