Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Trip to the Zoo

I picked the gorilla, because I knew Tyler would like it!

Chillin with the butterflies...too bad I didn't get any pics where you could actually see them!

We had a great time today! Lily loved watching the animals from the stroller, hence no pictures with the animals. She took her first carousel ride. She liked it before it started moving, but wasn't so sure once it started going up and down.

They have a really cool section that has just butterflies. There are literally thousands of butterflies fluttering around. It was awesome!!! I definitely recommend it if you live in Indy. I'm excited for future trips to the zoo when Lily gets excited to see all the animals!!


Jenny said...
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Jenny said...

They had the same butterfly exhibit at our zoo when I went with Kati last week. And you're right, it is so cool. I didn't get any pictures of it either. ;(

Uncle AJ said...

At first I thought Lily was on Uncle Greg's back, but it turns out it was a gorilla at the zoo. Looks like Lily had fun!