Fr. Steve came over last night for dinner. We are extremely sad because he has a new assignment that is going to take him to the southside of Indianapolis. For those of you who don't know Fr. Steve, he married us, baptized Lily, and was Tyler's boss while he worked at St. Luke. You may also know him from the witty posts on the blog. We will miss seeing him so much, but are excited to go visit him at his new residence. And Fr. Steve...you better come visit us so or we are going to have one unhappy baby on our hands.
Lily was entertained the majority of the night by Fr. Steve's collar. Don't worry...we disinfected it before he got it back. But she also decided to do a little entertaining herself. She figured out how to play peek-a-boo with her dress. ha! Even though it's not ladylike, it was hilarious. Here's a clip of it!
haha! Love the video!
I really cannot got over how cute she is. SUCH a little babe!
Dear Allison, Tyler, and all gentle readers:
"Lily Plays Peek-a-boo, ...the Untold Story."
While Tyler was filming Lily he would start giggling and laughing, which of course Lily loves to hear her "dada" talk and so she would giggle and laugh, too. Then Allison would say "Lily do it again" and Lily would! Lily is the real deal--cute and smart!
Blessings always,
Fr. Steve
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