Monday, June 09, 2008

Lake Shafer

We had another great Mark Family reunion. It was estimated that there were about 100 people there. Lily had her first donut (thank you Uncle Bill) and got many other yummy things to eat...more than I'm sure I know about. We had fun hanging out with the other babies Lily's age: Nathan who is one day younger than Lily and Michael who is exactly 1 month younger than Lily. We're also excited because my cousin Kate is expecting in November, so hopefully Lily will have a girl around her age to hang out with.

Lily stayed up late (10 PM) both nights and woke up early both mornings. The good old Indiana Beach mattresses are all covered in plastic, so it definitely makes for some interesting sleeping. I won't be caught up on sleep for at least I week.

For those of you who don't know, Indiana Beach is the amusement park we've had our family reunion at for roughly 50 years. Among the many rides and delicious food, there are also lots of tatoos and even some mullets. But it's a great family tradition and Tyler and I are looking forward to the days we get to take Lily on some of the rides and spend all our quarters on Skeeball.

Here's Lily hanging out with Brother John. She thought he was fun and he even did a great job feeding her dinner.

Lily and I with Kara and Nathan and Lisa and Michael.

Lily hanging out with Gregory and Katie. It was Katie's first reunion with us. We hope we didn't traumatize her too much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a good looking bunch of Mark babies! So glad all 4 (including Katie) enjoyed their first of many Mark reunions. We love hearing the fun stories from those June weekends.
So, Lily likes donuts huh! Well, Grandpa and I will be down next weekend and will have to see if she prefers Dunkin Donuts or Krispie Kreams...................and after dinner, it will be a toss up between Baskin and Robbins or Dairy Queen. This should be a fun experiment! I'll bring extra bibs.

Grandma Mayer