We're getting geared up for a BIG weekend. On Friday night I am helping my mom and two others host a shower for my friend since 6th grade, Katie Wales. I am helping to make food, set up, etc. Then Uncle Nick and his friend Tim are coming in on Friday for the race. On Saturday we have about 20 more guests coming in town and we're having a BBQ on Saturday night. Am I crazy?? Two parties in two nights with a 7 month old? Then on Sunday we are off to the race and Lily is staying with Nana and Grandad Mark. There are 24 of us taking a bus down to the track and we have a section of tickets together which is a recipe for a great time. Although I a little stressed now, it is going to be a great weekend spent with lots of good friends.
Dear Allison, Tyler, and all gentle readers:
Lily looks so happy being with Kirkland and Kjirste--Lily is definitely learning how to be a big sister from her friends!
On a personal note, you might have known that I have not been feeling well these past two weeks. I called my physician, Dr. Bercovitz (who also is Lily's doctor) and described to him my symptoms. He asked if anything had changed in the past month or so, and I told him the only thing I could think of was that I have not had time to visit Lily, or view her blog. Dr. Bercovitz immediately diagnosed my medical condition as "lackoflilycontactitis" or, in English, cuteness deprivation. He gave me instructions on what to do so that I could recover.
I had a visit from Lily last Thursday, and have viewed her blog this week. I am feeling much better now. Please let this be a warning to all you gentle readers so that you will be healthy and happy. Allison and Tyler are always happy, and so should we.
Fr. Steve
So THAT's what I am suffering from, lackoflilycontactitis! I should have known..........and Grandpa and I thought it was allergies/spring cold that we had. The blog is very fun and refreshing to check, but we do miss seeing Lily in person. Hopefully, we will get to see her and Ty & Allison very soon.
Lily, how lucky are you to play with Kjirste and Kirkland every week. I can tell how much fun you are having with them. And I hear you're enjoying Nana and Grandad Mark's pool. I can't wait to go swimming with you. Hopefully, the weather will get warmer very soon(43 in Chi now).
Grandma Mayer
oh allison you are the best! you do too much and do it all SO well! i can't wait to see lily again - im so glad she like indiana beach!
katie w
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