Lily and I have been busy packing and getting ready for the wedding! Grandma Mayer bought her a new dress, so we're very excited to see it. We also haven't seen most of the O'Brien family since our wedding, so it will be fun seeing everyone.
Tyler STILL does not have his truck back. It's getting painted this week, so hopefully he'll have it back soon. We never did find out who hit it. Boo!
There are two new additions on their way to the Mark family. My cousin Kate and her husband Brian are expecting in November. Also, her brother Patrick and his wife Becky are expecting in December. Lily will have lots of little buddies to hang out with. She's hoping that one of them is a girl! :) Congrats to you both!!! We can't wait to meet the little ones.
Lastly, most of you know that my cousin Maureen has melanoma. She has a big doctor's appointment on Monday, so please keep her in your prayers. Her treatment is almost over!!!! Yeah!!!!
Sorry...not exciting pictures this time. It's been a little crazy lately!