Monday, April 14, 2008

We had visitors!

Aunt Barb and Uncle Joe came to visit this weekend with Joey (Tyler's godchild) and Ellie. The kids were such a crack up and had so much fun with Lily. They were so sad when they found out Lily could not sleep with them on the blow up mattress.
The last picture is of Lily SITTING UP!!! I totally can't believe it. To the Moms out there...Is there anything I can do to make her stop growing?!?!? I want her to stay little forever. She's just so much fun right now.


Sabrina said...

i can't believe how big joey and ellie are! they have grown so much since your wedding!

i can't believe that lilly's sitting up! she's so advanced! and i love that she's such a happy baby! give her a big hug from me and my mom!

Lindsey said...

I cannot believe she's sitting up! Such a pumpkin. So happy. :)

Jenny said...

I remember thinking that same thing about William about wanting him to stay AT THIS AGE FOREVER, whatever that age might be. But the truth of the matter is that it only gets better. No lie. Pretty soon she'll be crawling, then pulling herself up, then walking, and then talking. It gets crazy fun! Even when he's naughty I think it's SOOOO funny!

amy j. said...

Can't believe she's sitting up! Without the boppy! She is growing so fast.