Monday, January 02, 2012

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I tried to soak up every moment of it! It's such a fun time of the year with 4 little ones...lots of magic, lots of get togethers, and lots of activities. We did so much and I haven't posted in so long I am going to recap some of my top favorites.
1. The big light reveal-Fr. Meyer bought us LED's this year! Andy and Maureen were here when when turned on the lights and the neighbors even came out to see us. They look great! Bridget says bye to the reindeer every time we leave the house.
2. I made Tyler a coffee mug for Christmas. Lily saw the packaged and wanted to know what was in it. I hesitantly told her and made her swear to not tell Tyler. The next morning when Tyler was pouring his coffee Lily says, "Dad! Mom did NOT get you a coffee mug for Christmas." Then she runs over to me and "whispers" that she did not tell Dad about the coffee mug. are soooo sneaky!
3. Tyler surprised me with a night out to see "A Christmas Carol" and dinner. Those don't come often, so it was great to spend time with just Tyler!
4. Lily's best reaction to presents this year was when she got princess underwear. She was so excited! Who knew that's all it took!
5. Bridget came down on Christmas morning, saw the presents, and insisted we do our same morning routine of having chocolate milk and watching a show. She eventually warmed up to the idea of presents.
6. Alacazam Snuffelufagus was our Elf on the Shelf! One night he helped himself to beer! I was quite surprised to see that. Can you guess who hides our Elf?
7. The twins had the cutest matching Christmas outfits. It was so crazy I'm not sure I even got a picture of them.
8. We went and saw the zoo lights with the Reilly's and went to the Spaghetti Factory after. The O'Bryans watched the twins!
9. We went and saw The Muppets...Bridget's first movie!
10. Loved seeing how excited the girls were to go to Bamma and Papa's house!
11. The Reynolds Company sets up a HUGE scene of lights. It takes literally 15 minutes to drive around and see them all. It's about a 25 minute drive from our house. We packed everyone up all the kids in the car (about a 30 minutes process) and by the time we got there, everyone was asleep. Tyler and I were the only ones who saw the lights.
12. Thomas LOVED the Christmas tree. He would roll over to and and yank things off. There were many times I would change his diaper and find lots of pine needles.
13. We went to see Santa and the only kids who would sit on his lap were Thomas and Lucy!

That's our Christmas in a very small nutshell. It was crazy, but AMAZING! There are no pictures at the moment, because Bridget broke our camera on Christmas. :) I still haven't even posted the twins 6 month pictures. They are 7 months TODAY! They are rolling all over the place and loving the exersaucer and jumperoo. They eat baby food and like it!

Recently I laid Lucy and Thomas next to each other. Lucy would take Thomas' binky out of his mouth and put it in her mouth. He would get so mad, but it sure was funny to see. Twins are so fun to see interact!

Have a fabulous 2012!

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