Wednesday, September 30, 2009
-2 or -3
Small contractions have begun! I started getting a couple yesterday afternoon. I had them all throughout the night, but was still able to get some sleep. They aren't too intense yet (I remember with Lily I thought these were intense, ha!) and vary between 7-15 minutes apart. If we are on the same track as Lily, it could still be a while. Tyler did stay home today to help distract Miss Lily. Hopefully, these contractions can start picking up and we can meet this babe soon!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
I just looked at the counter on our website and it says -1. Depressing! I'm ready to meet this little guy or gal. I'm not up with contractions right now, I just can't sleep. Maybe today will finally be the day!
Monday, September 28, 2009
I went to the doctor this morning and I walked out slightly more optimistic. I am 50% thinned and 1 cm. dialated. Now, for some of you lucky women out there, 1 cm. may seem like nothing. But with Lily it took me about 10 hours of contractions to get to 1. I'm pretty thrilled I didn't have 10 hours of contractions this time. Other than that, no news! Lily update: She's sitting on the couch with no pants, applying lip gloss. Such a girly, girl! We'll keep you posted.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
waiting! I noticed we've have lots more hits lately and I'm sure most of you are checking to see if Mayer #2 has arrived! Well, he or she really wants to hang out with just me! As soon as something begins to happen, we will let you know!! But as of now, NOTHING is going on! I had a wonderful birthday! The Mayer's came in town and we ordered Chinese. Not even the Kung Pao chicken helped this labor begin. They brought Lily her first Bears cheerleading costume! ha!

So with the encouragement from Tyler and my mom, I trimmed Lily's bangs. She looks WAY older!

Last night the Reilly clan came over to watch football. Lily and Erin and a blast running around the house together. They also have a son Conner, who is 7 months old. Lily was absolutely loved him and was so gentle with him. Whenever he cried she rushed right over to help him. Hopefully, this continues to happen with Mayer #2.

Last night the Reilly clan came over to watch football. Lily and Erin and a blast running around the house together. They also have a son Conner, who is 7 months old. Lily was absolutely loved him and was so gentle with him. Whenever he cried she rushed right over to help him. Hopefully, this continues to happen with Mayer #2.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
The Wait Continues....
39 Weeks and 2 days with absolutely nothing going on! I went to the doctor today and that's pretty much what they told me. They scheduled me for another appointment on Monday which is my due date. If nothing happens by next Thursday then I will be induced. Surely, something will start before next Thursday!!! I'm pretty sure I will die if I'm pregnant for another week and a day. But on a positive note, baby sounds totally healthy and so am I and that is what is most important. These babies know when they are ready and that is when they will come. And we do actually have quite a bit planned for the next couple of days. I plan on going to work tomorrow and tying up all loose ends. The Mayer's come in town tomorrow night and will help celebrate my 28th birthday. We have dinner plans with my family on Friday. Yes, cake two days in a row!
Lily is having fun sitting in the baby bouncy seat and strapping up the carseat. She also patted my tummy yesterday and said, "Mommy, big!" Thank you Miss Lily! And the wait continues...
Lily is having fun sitting in the baby bouncy seat and strapping up the carseat. She also patted my tummy yesterday and said, "Mommy, big!" Thank you Miss Lily! And the wait continues...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Up Again!
I think this is my third time up tonight! When is this baby going to come? I've been feeling some pressure, but nothing significant. I still think I have a couple of days. I just can't wait to sleep on my stomach again and have a glass of wine.
I have no picture updates, just a funny story to tell. I go to the doctor weekly now and my mom always watches Lily while I go. Two weeks ago something unexpected came up and she couldn't watch Lily, so my Dad said he would love to watch her. He was very excited to have time all to himself with Lily. I dropped her off and headed to my appointment. I told my dad I would be back in 30 minutes, because they were usually quick appointments. Well, of course, this one was not! I was there for an hour and fifteen minutes. I called my Dad as soon as I got out and told him I was on my way home.
As I pulled in the driveway I noticed my Dad was standing in the driveway, holding Lily, but still smiling. Most of you know that my Dad is blind, just keep that in mind. My first thought, "Oh no, she gave him a run for his money." And boy was I right. Then as I pulled closer, I noticed something white all over her face and arms. I got out, thanked my dad, and gave Lily a hug. My dad pulled a little bottle of Whiteout out of his pocket and told me that was what was on her face. He had found her putting it on like it was make up.
I went inside to help wash the rest of it off. As I walked into the kitchen, there were red pepper flakes EVERYWHERE. Her little hands had got into the pantry and she definitely thought it was fun to shake that little bottle. There was also a pile of paprika inside the pantry.
Grandad has a couple of other little stories about his morning with Lily. You'll have to ask him if you see him. Although, it was a crazy morning, he said he would still love to babysit her again. I think she may have him wrapped around her finger!
I have no picture updates, just a funny story to tell. I go to the doctor weekly now and my mom always watches Lily while I go. Two weeks ago something unexpected came up and she couldn't watch Lily, so my Dad said he would love to watch her. He was very excited to have time all to himself with Lily. I dropped her off and headed to my appointment. I told my dad I would be back in 30 minutes, because they were usually quick appointments. Well, of course, this one was not! I was there for an hour and fifteen minutes. I called my Dad as soon as I got out and told him I was on my way home.
As I pulled in the driveway I noticed my Dad was standing in the driveway, holding Lily, but still smiling. Most of you know that my Dad is blind, just keep that in mind. My first thought, "Oh no, she gave him a run for his money." And boy was I right. Then as I pulled closer, I noticed something white all over her face and arms. I got out, thanked my dad, and gave Lily a hug. My dad pulled a little bottle of Whiteout out of his pocket and told me that was what was on her face. He had found her putting it on like it was make up.
I went inside to help wash the rest of it off. As I walked into the kitchen, there were red pepper flakes EVERYWHERE. Her little hands had got into the pantry and she definitely thought it was fun to shake that little bottle. There was also a pile of paprika inside the pantry.
Grandad has a couple of other little stories about his morning with Lily. You'll have to ask him if you see him. Although, it was a crazy morning, he said he would still love to babysit her again. I think she may have him wrapped around her finger!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Match Made in Heaven
Maureen (my cousin and maid of honor) and Andy are engaged!!!!!!! Maureen called me last night and was ecstatic. We are so absolutely thrilled for them and can't wait for the big day!!!!!!
We love Andy and can't wait for him to be officially part of the family.
We are also will be adding one more to the Mark family. My cousins Patrick and Becky are expecting in April. How exciting! That will make 8 new babies in under 2 1/2 years! Holy moly!
We've been getting all the last minute details ready for #2 to arrive. I've been trying to savor my last few days as a Mom of 1. Lily and I have enjoyed doing lots of cooking together and we made a trip to the pool together. Hopefully, we will go to the zoo this week. I did go to the doctor this week and they said I was a fingertip, not even 1cm., dialated. Some is better than none, right?
Last weekend by friend Lindsey came in town from California and we attended by our sorority sister, Beth's wedding. It was gorgeous and fun to reunite with some AGD's. That was wedding #7 this year.
Another new ride...our double stroller. Lily and I took it for its' first spin and I absolutely love it. We did stop at the mailbox and I grabbed the mail and put it in the other seat. Lily very firmly said, "No, Mommy! A baby!" And I quickly had to remove the mail. Only the baby can sit there. ha!
We love Andy and can't wait for him to be officially part of the family.
We are also will be adding one more to the Mark family. My cousins Patrick and Becky are expecting in April. How exciting! That will make 8 new babies in under 2 1/2 years! Holy moly!
We've been getting all the last minute details ready for #2 to arrive. I've been trying to savor my last few days as a Mom of 1. Lily and I have enjoyed doing lots of cooking together and we made a trip to the pool together. Hopefully, we will go to the zoo this week. I did go to the doctor this week and they said I was a fingertip, not even 1cm., dialated. Some is better than none, right?
Last weekend by friend Lindsey came in town from California and we attended by our sorority sister, Beth's wedding. It was gorgeous and fun to reunite with some AGD's. That was wedding #7 this year.

Now we're headed out to the Chatard football game where Lily will be sure to yell, "Go Tard!" She loves going to any Chatard event!
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