Yes, it has officially been two years today! Now two years ago today was absolutely wonderful, but today could have gone a little better. At around 6 AM, Tyler wakes me up and says he has a 103 degree fever and he wanted some Gatorade. I decided I should run to the store right then, before Lily gets up. I pulled on a sweatshirt and I was out the door. I started backing up and boom, I scraped the side of Tyler's car. Both cars are scratched and Tyler's is dented! BOOO!!! And I was just trying to be a good wife. Between Tyler's illness and the car incident, so it hasn't exactly been a glorious day. Thank goodness for that little baby to brighten our day.

I think Tyler has lost weight since then, don't you?

The night of crazy dancing!
Happy 2nd Anniversary! Love you!
Awwww! Happy Anniversary. I can not BELIEVE it's been 2 years! That's insane. Time flies! Seems like just yesterday we were having a big dance party at the reception... wow.
Don't worry, cars are just cars. Enjoy your day. The rest will all fall into place. Feel better Tyler. See you guys on Thursday, and I can't wait.
Happy 2nd!
Amy J
Tyler has lost weight, but he hasn't lost any hair! It's amazing, you would think that after a little stress of a new baby and coaching football he would lose hair, but he hasn't lost any. So the key is to lose hair before you get married. I guess he is just like a bottle of fine wine, and gets better with age (I know, I am clever). More importantly, though, today is the day that is only 3 days before Lily's birthday.
Happy Anniversary and happy 362nd day of being alive, Lily!
Happy Anniversary!
That reception was a wild time. So wild that even me and my burgeoning belly couldn't stay off the dance floor...or away from the limbo stick apparently.
Dear Tyler, Allison, Lily, and all gentle readers:
I am sorry to read about your car troubles--but it was difficult to pay attention to your note because I just wanted to look at the beautiful photo of Tyler and Allison walking in the Rosary Garden! October 14, 2006--a most blessed day in deed.
Now, I don't want to seem as if I am a demanding person, but you know what I'm going to write in just a few more lines, so be prepared--
don't be alarmed---
but here it is--
There, I feel better. I'll feel a lot better when those photographs are up on this blog!
Have a wonderful week.
Fr. Steve
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