Both sets of grandparents gave us an amazing gift...a night's stay at the Marriott downtown with dinner included. This was for our second anniversary. Thank you so much to all of you!!!! We had tons of fun!!! We went to the
IMAX to see a show about the Grand Canyon, which was awesome. Then we went out to dinner to Weber Grill. The food was delicious. Tyler claims that my mom's ribs are better. Do you think he may just be sucking up? We went to mass at St. John's, which is where our good friend Fr. Meyer resides. Unfortunately, he wasn't there. But the church is absolutely gorgeous, so it was definitely a special treat. We woke up Sunday and walked around downtown Indy and went to breakfast. It was our first full night away together since Lily was born. Break in story.......
Just had to let you know that as I'm writing this Lily has just found the out that we have a lamp that when you touch it, it turns on. If you keep touching it, it will get brighter. The room is going from pitch black to bright light about every 5 seconds.
Now some of you may know Lily is an amazing eater, but still not the best sleeper. She wakes up many times during the night. Now we don't go and get her, she eventually falls back asleep. Well, at about 2AM while she was at Nana's and
Granddad's, Nana went downstairs to see Lily having a ball with her 2 uncles. They claim that they heard her, so they went to go get her. I guess you have uncles to spoil you, right?