Last weekend we watched the girls (Kirkland and Kjirste) for the whole weekend. Lily loved every minute of it. We took a little surrey ride. Lily and Kjirste were waving to everyone and Kirkland thought she was pretty cool sitting in the back. Needless to say, Tyler and I were pretty tired after watching 3 girls under the age of 3. The Miller's are moving the first week of October. We're not sure what we will do without them in town!

Also, a big thank you to Aunt Sarah, Uncle Hunter and Thomas for Lily's "new" backpack!! Lily hung out in it while Dad cut the grass. It takes him over an hour to cut it, so it freed up some MAJOR time for me. And fellow moms, you know how much you can get done in an hour without a little one runnign around. Lily loved it so much she actually fell asleep in it. This is actually the same backpack that Thomas, my cousin, used. He's a freshman in high school now!
1 comment:
Dear Allison, Tyler, Lily, and all gentle readers:
It has been too long since I have written, and much has happened on the blog spot of Miss Mayer. I now commence my comments.
Blueberry Pancakes--yum, yum!
Black-eyed Susans--almost as pretty as a Lily!
Splashing in the water--were those my Gladware containers assisting in the fun? (For those who did not know, I once had an addiction to Gladware containers, but am now in recovery).
The Big Chase--almost as fun as...
Peek-a-Lily--there's no such thing as too much fun!
Maureen--such wonderful news--prayers of thanksgiving continue!
New Shoes--Very cute for Lily's first pair of shoes. Her second will have to be ruby slippers to match her Halloween outfit (if that is chosen)!
Back-Pack-Lily--helping daddy and mommy all at the same time!
Surrey Ride--and in 15 years one month Lily will take Grandma Mark's place at the wheel!
Whew, I'm exhausted! Keeping up with Lily takes lots of energy.
Blessings to all,
Fr. Steve
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