I can't believe she is finally here and that she is a girl! When the doctor told us,"It's a girl!" I'm pretty sure I said, "No, freaking way!" Ha! I was totally convinced it was a boy because the pregnancy was TOTALLY different from Lily. But how fun to have a girl! I can't wait to dress the two alike. Also, thank goodness the delivery was shorter.
We arrived home on Saturday and the Mayer's and Nick came. We had a great weekend with them. Grandma, aka Bama, and Lily says, spoiled us with lots of good meals and taking care of all the laundry. It was wonderful.
Today Bridget and I are hanging out together. Lily went to school and will continue to go on Tuesdays and Thursdays even when I'm not at work. I think it will be good to keep her on her same schedule, plus it will give Bridget and I some bonding time alone. Lily adores her sister. She always wants to hold her and constantly give her kisses. I was a little worried she would be completely jealous, but she really hasn't been. She just wants to help all the time. Thanks for all the well wishes, prayers, and emails!!! Here are some pics of the last couple of days.

Maureen happened to be in town this weekend! Yeah!

Cuddling with Bridget. Still can't believe I have 2 little girls!!

Proud Daddy and totally outnumbered now.

Checking up on her lil sis!

Tyler and I were talking a couple of days before Bridget came. We couldn't image a time when we didn't have Lily. It seems like she's always been a part of our lives. I'm sure the time will come quickly when we can't imagine a time without Bridget.

Oops! Downloaded this one twice.

Hanging out with Uncle Nick. Lily refused to get a bath from anyone but Uncle Nick this weekend! ha!

The two proud grandparents!

I love this one.
Love the shot of Lily peeking into the bassinet at the hospital. Super cute.
Congrats again you guys! I'm so glad Lily is being a good helper. It makes the transition from 1 to 2 a LOT easier!
All the pictures are so wonderful!!! Sooo happy for you guys!
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