Thursday, October 22, 2009

Getting Pumpkins

Tyler is gone on Senior Retreat this week, but my mom is staying with us (thank goodness!). Another set of hands makes things much more manageable. Bridget is doing GREAT! I am a little hesitant to say she's a really good sleeper. I'm afraid I will jinx myself. But most nights she will go for stretches of 5-6 hours. Lily didn't do this until she was at least 6 months old. Bridget gets up to eat and will go right back to sleep. Lily would get up to eat and then want to party. The two girls personalities are already different. It's so fun to see. I'm such a lucky and blessed mom!

Sisters hanging out!
We decided to get out of the house and venture to the pumpkin patch. We got to go on hayride out to the pumpkin patch. Lily loved it!

Posing with Nana.

Bridget's thoughts on getting a pumpkin.

Lily riding the pumpkin train. She was waving the whole time and saying, "bye."

They even had a little petting zoo.

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