Dad and Lily at the Indians game! The whole time she yelled, "Go Sox!" She is a little baseball fanatic.
Lily has been busy lately. I got another steal at a garage sale....a $5 sandbox! YES! She has learned how to say "yes," only she pronounces it "yesh!" We've even gotten her to go on the potty a couple of times.
I only have about 8 weeks till we become a family of four, which seems absolutely insane. We've been working on getting Lily's new room ready. Although I am absolutely thrilled to welcome another little one into the world, I really am going to miss the one-on-one time with Lily. I love being able to play little games with her and cuddle with her before she goes to bed. I know those things will still happen, but just not quite as frequently. It will also probably be a good thing that "Little Miss Princess" does not get quite as much attention. She's quite the little ham.