Wednesday, October 17, 2007

It's a GIRL !!!!! Lily Grace Mayer was born on Wed Oct 17, 2007 around 7:30 p.m. weighing 7 lbs 8 oz and 21" long. She had her large beautiful eyes open for the first 2 hours; very calm baby, no crying yet. Mom, Dad and baby are spending their first night together at St. Vincent Hospital. All are doing well. Grandma Mark and I peeked under her little pink cap, and we're pretty sure that's BLOND hair!

Hopefully, Tyler will post some pics on this blog tomorrow!

Submitted by the NEW Grandma Mayer!


Unknown said...

Congratulations from the Cruzes!! We can't wait to meet your daughter!!

Dziowgo said...

Congrats to you both. Way to break tradition and have a girl straight out. We will watch Little Magistra's career with great interest.

Justin & Kati

stephanie said...

YES!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!! I am sure she is beautiful!!!!!!!

Amy Flege said...

Hi!! I am Marilyn Fleges daughter in law (married to stacy) I just wanted to say congratultions on the birth of your daughter!! we have a 20 month old that was born with down syndrome. girls are sweet!!!
we also have a family blog

best wishes!!

jimomike said...

Congratulations to all the Mayers and Marks! Allison and Tyler, enjoy the wonderful road of parenthood!
Blessings to all,
The Hall's

jamie said...

Congratulations Tyler and Allison! I can't wait to meet Lily! Tyler, I can't wait till the day she turns 21 and we can take her to her first HBB concert!

If you are up to it, I will try to stop by for a visit after work today!!! So excited to see her!

Jenny said...

Congratulations, Mayer Family! William can't wait to meet his new girl friend. Two words. Well, for now.

And can I just say that I'm so relieved that Lily doesn't take after his dad in the hair department if you know what I mean.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Allison and Tyler!! I can't wait to see some pictures, I am sure she is a beautiful baby!

Katie Ielase

Miss_Laux said...

YAY!!!! Congratulations to you both!!! Can't wait to meet Lilly! :) (lllooooove the name)

katie laux

Jenny said...

Congrats guys, we're very happy for you. Leathermans all around! So it's obvious that the name was Tyler's idea. As everyone knows, Lily was the name of Dr. Leo Marvin's sister who eventually marries Bob Wiley, Tyler's childhood hero.

"Dr!...Leo!...Marvin!...Dr. Marvin!"

Kate said...

Welcome Lily and Congratulations Tyler and Allison!! We can't wait to see some pictures!

Kate & Brian

Graham's said...

We are thrilled for the new parents as well as grandparents! Thomas said "I guess Lily won't be a football player." Tyler may have something else in mind. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you!
Love, Aunt Sarah, Uncle Hunter and Thomas

Molly said...

Yay! Congrats!!