While we were in Chicago we visited Cosley Animal Farm. Lily got to see tons of different animals and made all the animal noises to go along with. But the part she still talks about....the horse pooping!

Lily attended her first White Sox game. She was absolutely thrilled that Grandma bought her this new t-shirt. This child was made for baseball games!! She was clapping and dancing through the whole thing. She had not taken a nap, so I thought it was going to be a disaster, but I was totally wrong. I think the best moment was when the beer man came by and said, "Who wants a beer?" and we hear a little, "I do!" Yes, it was our preciously little Lily Grace asking for a beer. Everyone within about 5 rows was turning around and laughing when they realized the little voice belong to a 1 1/2 year old girl.
Lily, I am sooo glad you had a great time at the White Sox game and in Chicago. I hope you like the Sox, I really do. Just not as much as the Cardinals. We will be going to a Cardinals game very soon. You are part of the kids club and get to run the bases, get free baseball cards, get a BOBBLEHEAD (which you love!) and even get to meet a couple players! I don't think the White Sox do that!
Uncle AJ
P.S. Does that awesome Cardinals shirt I bought Lily fit yet?
She loves poop and beer. Is she her father's daughter or what?!
Allison, you look so great! I can't believe you are already more than halfway done.
love the pic from the game....except it should be a cubbies jersey! oh snap!
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