It's been a long time since I've posted. It's been a little crazy. Lily and I nanny two days a week for two adorable little girls: Kirkland who is 2 and Kjirste who is 1. We also tutor once a week at St. Roch, the school I taught at last year. We also try to help Grandpa Mark once a week in his office. So needless to say, there haven't been too many down moments.
Above are 2 pictures of Lily in her Exersaucer from her cousin Deardra. She LOVES it!!!! Her new achievement is rolling over. I honestly can't believe how big she is getting. So the questions everyone has been asking lately is, "Does she sleep well?" With a big smile, I tell them, "No." Lily does not like to sleep. She doesn't like going to bed or taking naps. She is a party girl for sure. If I'm lucky if she takes 3-4 twenty minute naps a day. I hoping this is just a stage and she will soon grow to love naps and sleep a night.
i'm glad to hear that lilly's earning her keep in the mayer family. :) don't worry al pal, if lilly's anything like her momma she'll realize how great naps are.
....maybe I should have not told Lily about the boogie man.....
haha i always think about that with the kids i babysit for too. they fight sleeping so much and im like - just wait until you're an adult, you will dream of sleep. haha. shes so cute.
look at her little bit of peach fuzz on her head!!!!!!!!!
Dear Allison, Tyler, and all gentle readers:
Lily told me what she was thinking in her two new photographs. The top photo is Lily's reaction to being informed that she was going to be an assistant nanny and tutor. The bottom photograph is her reaction to being told she gets to help Grandpa Mark.
I'm looking forward to our next photos--5 month birthday is only 9 days away!
Fr. Steve
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