Find out what is happening in the lives of the Mayer family. With 4 kids in under 4 years, including a set of twins, there's bound to be some good stories!
Here's my personal favorite. It looks like she's holding hands with Mr. Bear. I can't believe she's been alive for 4 months. She's already doubled her weight. Isn't that kinda crazy? Think about it....what if someone told you that you had to double your weight in 4 months and that the only thing you could do was drink milk? Babies are pretty amazing.
This blog has really been so much fun. I really had no idea so many people check it. I love when random people come up to me and say things like,"Oh, so your in-laws were in last weekend?" I must look at them confused and they continue, "I read it on your blog." Ha! I'm so happy to have all you wonderful people checking up on Lily.
Here's Lily's second favorite thing to do....chill in her bumbo seat. She thinks she a big kid when she sits in it.
Her third favorite is her Baby Einstein. She will talk to the bird and ladybug for seriously 30 minutes. She also loves to make faces into the mirror and kick the animals.
Yesterday Lily laughed for the very first time. It was adorable and I obviously went crazy. I'll give you one guess who made her laugh......of course, Tyler!!!! She also laughed at Grandma Mark. But will she laugh at mom...oh no!! I'm just the one that takes care of her all day, changing diapers, cleaning up spit up, trying to avoid getting puked on, and feeding her in the middle of the night. Surely, she'll give me a laugh soon.