Thursday, September 27, 2012


I gave up!  Life is pretty much chaos!  But just lately I've had people asking about the blog.  I'm making no promises, but I'm going to try a little harder at updating, because really, the stories are too funny.

The other day I went upstairs to get clothes for all the kids.  I came back down and Thomas and Lucy were covered in peanut butter.  I asked Lily "What happened?"  She told me they looked funny with mustaches.  Valid point Lily, but don't cover your brother and sister in peanut butter.

I'm not going to guarantee anything, but I'm hope to at least put a funny story or two up here.  With four under four, there's at least one everyday!  Also, I've been a little busy with this:

Check it out!  I've made a couple of sales and am hoping for more.  I also have a few more items to post!  Something exciting or me.

Until next time and who knows when that will be!

Friday, May 04, 2012

Happy Easter!

 My two studs!
 The tie and the vest!
 Bridgey and I!

 The best family picture of the day...Lily was so mad about something.  ha!
 The girls with Uncle Nick!
 Thanks for the matching dresses Nana!
With Auntie Em!

Thursday, May 03, 2012

The Hunt

or should I say hunts....I think we had about 20!  Thanks to Auntie Emily for continuously hiding the eggs!

Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Egg Dying with Bamma and Papa

So fun to dye the Easter eggs with Bamma and Papa.  Looks like Papa may be the most excited to dye the eggs!  ha!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Meet the Nash Family

Our seven kids finally met!  We got together with Tyler's college roommate in the seminary, Brian, and his wife, Jenny.  I think there may have even been a love connection between Lily and William.  Katherine is just the cutest baby and Bridget and Lucy (yes, they have a Lucy, too) liked hanging out!  Great to see you guys!

Monday, April 30, 2012

10 Months Old

They both have two bottom teeth!  Love these little hams!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Dr. Mayer

 Lily's new favorite!
And this little ham was found in the bathroom, up to his elbows, splashing in the toilet with a pink highlighter.  This boy is trouble, but his little smile makes my anger melt away!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Happy 30th Dad!

 The twins first run with Dad!

Tyler turned 30!  I had a surprise party for him and he finally got and HD TV.  He was talking about getting one since before we were married!

Friday, April 27, 2012


Lily and Tyler and St. Augustine's Prom

I stayed home with the twins.  Tyler called me because Bridget came saying, "Go home."  Typical Bridget, I wasn't surprised.  When I went to pick her up, they walked out.  Well, Lily actually danced out of the building, said hi and danced back in.  The girls loves to shake it!

Spring Break Play Date

 We had a play date with Erin and Michael Fredrickson!
Lily had her first sleepover at our house with Erin Reilly!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

9 Months Old

Thsi was so long ago!  I think they were both army crawling.  Thomas army crawled first.  Thomas loves to sleep and Lucy is too busy for that!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Early March and Oh So Warm

Lucy and Thomas' first trip to the park!  They loved the swings, although Thomas was a little camera shy.  We even had a little picnic.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lily On Stage

For about a week, Lily had many performances.  Let's be honest though, Lily is on performance all the time.

 Lily at her ballet recital. 
 Lily was the white dog in her preschool play of, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear."
They also sang us a little song.  Seriously, cute!

I Almost Gave Up...

It's been so long I almost decided to stop, but I think Tyler would be sad.  I know he loves to check it from work.  I'll try to recap the last month and a half in the upcoming posts.

I got Thomas this hat!  Isn't it ridiculously cute?!?!?!

Obviously, there are many differences between boys and girls, but I feel like they may stand out even more when you have twins.  Check out Lu...just a little bit on her face and hands.  Thomas...EVERYWHERE!!!  The picture doesn't even do it justice, because it was in his hair and all the way up his arms.  He eats like a monster, too and growls if he is out of food.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things of Note for the Day

1. Thomas AND Lucy slept through the night last night! Yahoo!
2. Bridget told me my stomach felt like play-doh....faaaaaaaantastic.
3. Thomas and Lucy usually go down for nap together and get up together. One of my favorite moments of the day is walking into their room and seeing both of their little heads popped up and smiling at me.
4. A salesperson came to the door tonight. I kept trying to give her the hint that I couldn't talk and she wasn't having any of it. Finally, Bridget came to the door COMPLETELY naked. She finally got the point that she needed to leave and did. Thanks, B!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Jumperoo

So here's the photo of Thomas jumperooing on Lucy. Look! She loves it and he is so mad! ha!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese

Have I told you about the O'Bryan's? They are a wonderful family and good friends of my parents! Their children are grown. They had 5 children 6 and under, including a set of twins and another with special needs. Anyways, they can relate to our craziness and have offered to come to come once a month and watch all four kids or just the twins, if we would like to take the girls out. For Christmas they gave us a gift card to Chuck E. Cheese, so we recently went for the first time!

Obviously, the girls LOVED it! They were so well-behaved! We had a about 50 tokens to spend. They won their tickets and all we come home with was a plastic whistle and a tatoo!

This was always my favorite when I was little.

So happy about driving the truck!

Chuck E. doesn't have his band like he did when we were little, but he is a host of a talk show or at least that's what it looked like. Bridget didn't want to go say hi to him because, "Me be scared." Lily quickly went to go check him out. We had a blast! Thanks O'Bryan's for letting us take the girls out!