Thursday, July 07, 2011


The wedding finally arrived and the day was absolutely gorgeous! I can't believe my little brother is married! We are more than excited to have Katie as a part of our family.

The day went very well from our end. The Mayers came to help with the girls and the twins. I fit in my dress. The girls BOTH walked down the aisle. There were two other flower girls. Half way down the aisle Lily stopped one of the flower girls and sternly told her she was walking too fast!

Lily danced the night away! She was on the last bus home and outlasted Tyler and I.

Favorite pictures from the wedding!

The beautiful bride and I! She was stunning!!! That's the veil I wore at my wedding.

Hey Uncle G!

The girls and Bubba

Our family-minus the twins of course.

All ready to be flower girls!

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