Saturday, November 13, 2010

From the Mayer Two....

to the Mayer Four. Yes, the rumors are true. We are having twins!!!!!!! Shocked are you? Probably, not as shocked and thrilled as Tyler and I. We went to our first appointment and had an ultrasound to confirm how far along we are. Honestly, I kinda felt like a pro. Third time doing big deal. I'm just comfortably laying down and Tyler had just finished messing with his blackberry. Usually, they don't show the mom screen right away. The ultrasound lady does some measurements and stuff and then they turn the screen so I can see it. Tyler can see the screen the whole time from his chair. The ultrasound lady says to Tyler, "Do you see what I see?" I think Tyler just fumbled some words. Then she says, "There are definitely two babies in there!." Tears and laughter were my immediate emotions from me. Honestly, I don't even remember Tyler's reaction because everything became a little hazy. She showed me the ultrasound it was clearly two little babes in there. One measured at 9 weeks and the other and 9 weeks and 1 day. There heart beats were great and we could even see the little guys or gals moving around. So we will have 4 under the age of 3 1/2. YIKES! We've had enough surprises in the Mayer house so sometime in January we will find out if they are girls, boys, or boy and girl. Tyler already has all the names figured out! We are due June 15th. Yes, 10 days before my brother's wedding! EEK!

Did you think I had left the blogging world forever? It had been so long because I have literally had zero energy. This time around I haven't been as sick, though! I can eat food, which was a struggle in the beginning with both Lily and Bridget. I already have a little stomach, too. We can't wait to meet them and are also thankful we bought a minivan. :)


Katie said...

Congratulations!! I'm excited for you both! I still need to meet your first 2 little ones and you go an add 2 more... I better get out there soon!!

Kati said...

This is awesome! Congratulations Mayers. Hopefully we will see you all sometime. I bet Magdalene and Lily would have so much fun together.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Guys!! How exciting for all of you! You are so blessed. Can't wait to meet the new little additions to your wonderful family at Gregory and Katie's wedding. Wishing you a safe and comfortable pregnancy.
Aunt Judy (Harrington)

Jenny said...

I was so excited when we got the text from Tyler! But I have to admit we thought it was a joke at first because that is totally something Tyler would do! I think I agree with you...if I found out we were having twins I think I would find out the gender too even though I never have with my other two. Congrats and prayers to you for a healthy and easy pregnancy!