Saturday, September 11, 2010

Trojan Tailgate

Lately, our Friday nights have been consumed by BCHS football. The weather has been beautiful and Lily has tons of friends to run around with. At one of the games Lily's preschool got to race across the football field during halftime.

Here they are getting ready to race.
All of the little Trojan Tots.

Bridget hanging out with Uncle Bubba because she isn't quite ready to race.

Hanging out with her friend Abby. Because Lily goes to school at Chatard, lots of the high school kids know her. After the race, Lily was returning to her seat via the track. Some of the girls in the stands were cheering for her and she elegantly waved to all of her fans. She thinks she is a hot shot!

At one of the games hanging out with one of her buddies Erin. Can you tell she adores Erin?

1 comment:

Uncle AJ said...

And cause her Uncle Bubba is awesome to hang out with.