Thanksgiving with Nana.

I've been absent for a while. Tyler was on retreat. He left last Tuesday and didn't come back until Friday. It makes for a interesting week of lots of patience and little time for the blog. On top of him being gone, little Bridget got pink eye! Poor thing! Lily has never been on medicine and my 7 week old has. But it has cleared up and she looks much better.
Lily, Bridget, and I got together with a couple of my sorority sisters, who also have kids. It was fun to meet all the new ones and catch up with them.
Bridget update: She's smiling ALL the time and is such a snuggle bug. I love it! She continues to sleep well. Her neck is getting stronger everyday and she can hold her head up for a little.
Lily update: Lily loves her sister, but also loves to give her "love" smacks. My favorite Lily story lately is rather humorous, I think. When I put Lily in time out she cries for Daddy and she cries for Mama when Daddy puts her in time out. Well, we had both put her in time out the other day, so she cries for Ricky, my dad's dog. Of course, ha!
We had Thanksgiving here this year. I made mashed potatoes for the first time ever. I think they turned out pretty good, just a couple of lumps. We had a fierce game of Scattegories. Who wouldn't throw out rotting rhubarb?
Bridget is getting baptized this weekend. We are looking forward to the Mayers coming in town. Uncle Bubba and Auntie Emily are the godparents.
As I type, Tyler is putting up the Christmas lights. He has acquired 20 MORE strands this year. Oh my! If you live close you should drop by, it is usually quite a sight. It is fun that he gets so into Christmas. I think Lily will be blown away by the lights this year. You may also send donations for our electric bill!
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