Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Worst Blogger Ever!

Yes, I get the worst blogger award! So I'm including lots of pics and info!! We've been busy and really trying to enjoy the last days before school started. Tyler and I were just talking about what a great summer it has been. We've gotten to do so many fun things with Lily and Tyler has really been able to be around a lot. Below are some pictures of my cousin, Deardra's wedding. It was absolutely gorgeous and we had a blast. Not to mention, Tyler was able to finagle 3 pieces of cake for this pregnant lady, so I was VERY happy! We were invited to 9 weddings this year and still have 4 more to attend. Although, I don't think we'll make it to the last two. They are the weekend before my due date. My good friend Beth is getting married on the 28th, so I'm very excited for that.

Lily with her godmother!! Don't you love Maureen's new haircut?
A family photo, but Lily REFUSED to take her hands out of her mouth.

Going to the sprinkler park. Lily was much more interested in climbing through the tubes with dad rather than running through the sprinkler.
School has officially started. Tyler and I are back to work and Lily goes to school twice a week! I was a little sad to send her back. I loved being with her everyday this summer. She's just at such a fun age and we can do so much with her. But I know she adores school. I brought her in the first day, fighting back the tears and she just strolls in. She sits down and starts to color a picture and says to me, "I color, Mom, bye." I thought I was the one who was going to help her make the transition going to back school easier, but she was the one who made it easier for me! ha!
I have my 34 week doctor appointment today. They've scheduled me for all the rest of my appointments...YIKES! So far, everything is right on track and going great! We've been working on turning the guest room into Lily's room. We FINALLY got our new crib (remember our other one was recalled) and it's up! Poor Lily was in the pack and play for over a month. I was starting to feel guilty.

Our genius child reading...or maybe we've read the book a BILLION times and she remembers all the pictures!

Lily still loves to dance to Usher!

1 comment:

Brandy P said... believe I am the worst blogger ever. I haven't updated mine since January! oooops. I love the videos. Lily sounds so adorable when she says "okay" when she's reading that book :)