Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Things of Note for the Day

1. Thomas AND Lucy slept through the night last night! Yahoo!
2. Bridget told me my stomach felt like play-doh....faaaaaaaantastic.
3. Thomas and Lucy usually go down for nap together and get up together. One of my favorite moments of the day is walking into their room and seeing both of their little heads popped up and smiling at me.
4. A salesperson came to the door tonight. I kept trying to give her the hint that I couldn't talk and she wasn't having any of it. Finally, Bridget came to the door COMPLETELY naked. She finally got the point that she needed to leave and did. Thanks, B!

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Jumperoo

So here's the photo of Thomas jumperooing on Lucy. Look! She loves it and he is so mad! ha!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Chuck E. Cheese

Have I told you about the O'Bryan's? They are a wonderful family and good friends of my parents! Their children are grown. They had 5 children 6 and under, including a set of twins and another with special needs. Anyways, they can relate to our craziness and have offered to come to come once a month and watch all four kids or just the twins, if we would like to take the girls out. For Christmas they gave us a gift card to Chuck E. Cheese, so we recently went for the first time!

Obviously, the girls LOVED it! They were so well-behaved! We had a about 50 tokens to spend. They won their tickets and all we come home with was a plastic whistle and a tatoo!

This was always my favorite when I was little.

So happy about driving the truck!

Chuck E. doesn't have his band like he did when we were little, but he is a host of a talk show or at least that's what it looked like. Bridget didn't want to go say hi to him because, "Me be scared." Lily quickly went to go check him out. We had a blast! Thanks O'Bryan's for letting us take the girls out!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

8 Months Old

Tman is officially army crawling and getting into everything. These two are hilarious together. Thomas was stealing food off of Lucy's bib the other day. Lucy is always stealing Thomas' toys. Below there is a picture of them in their first big kid bath!

They were so grumpy for the pictures! I couldn't get one smile!

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

7 Months old

These were taken from my ipod since the camera was broken. I can't believe how big they are!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

We had a Valentine scavenger hunt. Each course of our meal was in a different room. We had heart shaped cheese and spinach squares, heart jello, heart pizza, and heart cookies. They did a little craft in each room, too. They totally loved it! Hope it becomes a tradition.

Bridget trying out Lily's mustache and lips valentines.

Nice 'stache Lil!

Making Valentines!

Bridget brushed her hair from her eyes and ended up like this.

Warm weather?

As it has been across most of the country, Indiana has also been warm. On any relatively warm day I try to take the kids for a walk to get a little energy out!

She rides her big girl tricycle!

Seeing what everyone is doing!

Riding her bike with training wheels! So big!

Sweet Lucy!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

The only ones brave enough to sit on Santa's lap were Thomas and Lucy!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Christmas on the Farm

Bamma and Papa came with us to Christmas on the Farm! We enjoyed a sleigh/hay ride and we saw reindeer and cows!

We even got to see Santa. The girls were a little nervous. Can you see Lily clinging to Bamma's leg?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Ah, Christmas!

I took a tree decorating class with my mom and sister-in-law, Katie! It was a great way to get in the spirit and learn some new techniques.

Trimming the tree!

Our elf, Alacazam showed up in totally crazy places!!

The girls loved every secone of it!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

6 months old!

Now we are in December! The twins turned six months old!


I honestly don't remember what they could and could not do at this point. I've talked to other moms of twins and most of them say the first year is VERY blurry! So far, I whole-heartedly agree! I do know I loved the craziness of the month of December. So many magical moments with the kiddos!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Christmas Eve

We spent Christmas Eve with my family. Lots of food and lots of laughs!

November Fun!

Catching the first (and almost only!) snowflakes of the season!

Getting ready to cheer on the Trojans for the football state championship.

They have their Tojan shirts on and are ready to cheer!

T-man in his favorite, the Johnny Jump up!

Lu in the Bumbo!

Bridget being Bridget. This was her "Brown Bear Brown Bear" stage. We ready the book about 20 times a day! She could recite the whole thing!

Thanks, Lisa!

Pictures...finally! These date back to November!!! Glad to be finally posting them. Thought these shirts were hilarious! Thanks to my sorority sister, Lisa, for these!

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Convo with Lily

(All being yelled from upstairs)
Lily: Mom, can I wear short sleeved PJ's?
Me: No, it will be cold tonight.
Lily: But did you go outside? It's warm.
Me: I know, but it will get cold tonight because it's winter.
Lily: Did it get cold at night last winter?
Me: Yes, it did.
Lily: Fine! I'm not talking to you!!!

Oh, the rationale of a sassy 4-year-old!